Disco VermelhoDisco Azul
Who we are

Innovation in renewable chemicals

Stablished as a joint venture between Braskem and Sojitz, Sustainea is a company created with the desire to be the global leader in bio-MEG and transform the packages and textiles markets through innovation in renewable chemicals, generating a positive impact for everyone.

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Sustainea. Rethinking the raw materials of the future.

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Our Journey Towards Sustainability

  • We are thrilled to announce that Sustainea has been honored with the DFBW Award 2023 in the Product, Service, and Packaging Design Category, in collaboration with CBA Design. This accolade acknowledges our commitment to transformative ideas and positive impact solutions…See more

  • A new report by the United Nations warns that the world is far from meeting the Paris climate goals of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. The UN predicts that the current emission reduction pledges by countries are insufficient and would lead to a 2.7°C warming by 2100…See more


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